Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today Is Not My Day

Disclaimer: Before this sounds sad and depressing, I want you to know that this entry is not what you think it is. This is not a self-pity, poor me post at all, so if you are looking for that, this isn't the place. This is a positive blog and that isn't positive.

So, you know those days when just nothing seems to be going right? No matter what you do it just seems like all of universe is against you. Lose your keys, lock them in your car, lose your phone, step in puddles, forget something important, trip, whatever it is, you begin to think that you should have just stayed at home. I totally get it! I've definitely been there. 

No matter what kind of day you've had, you have to be the one to determine how your day actually went. What I mean is that no matter if the whole world decides that it is "National Make (your name here) Miserable Day", you attitude about the situation will be the ultimate decider of whether or not it was actually a "bad" day. If you refuse to let anything ruin your positive attitude than there is not anything that can tear you down. It is totally mind over matter!

Now, believe me when I say that I know that is a tough motto to adopt. Where do you think I got this blog idea from? I tend to let a lot of things (really little, stupid things to be perfectly honest with you) get in my way of daily happiness. However, realizing that this mindset does NOT allow me to have an "enchanting" life, I came up with some tips to change my attitude. Here they are:

1. Pray!
              God already know all of your struggles, doubts, and fears and gives them to you so that  you lean on Him to take care of them. You can't do it alone and you shouldn't have to. 1 Peter 5:7 says "cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you". God wants to take cares of you but there can only be one captain of the ship; it's Him or you. Don't half give it to Him either, no one likes a back seat driver ;)  

2. Make a list of ten POSITIVE things that have happened to you that day. 
              THERE ARE TEN! -God loves you unconditionally -Jesus died on the cross for you so you      could live with Him eternally. There's two, I gave you a head start:)

3. Go out of your way to do something nice for someone else
              Doing something nice for others will make them AND you feel good

4. Write a letter
              Write the letter to whoever (or no one at all) about everything bad that happened. Then, destroy the letter! Send it away on a balloon, in a lake, river, or ocean, burn it... it doesn't matter what just as long as you get rid of the thing! This symbolizes that you are literally doing away with your problems and not worrying about them anymore!

5. Talk to someone
              As cliche as it is, we are social creatures. Let someone that you really trust know what is bothering you. It will relief some of the stress and maybe they will even have some good advice!

Well these are some methods I have used in the past. If you have things that have helped you, leave them in the comment box to helps others out. Let's help spread the happiness :)

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